There is much debate and heated discussion “at times” regarding the Regions Bank Building project, the Jail/Justice Center project, and the new Cascade High School. There is plenty of blame to go around as to why these projects are “out of control”.
Perhaps the lesson to be learned here is simple. Once a project has been deemed necessary, every time that project is delayed it cost the taxpayer. Failing to vet such “large projects” through the proper county committee process is a disservice to the public and increases the chances of a costly mistake. Having worked in county government, there can be times when forgoing committees makes sense, but this should be the exception and not the rule.
Here are a few things to think about….
The Regions Bank project got off on the wrong foot and has never recovered. To this day it continues to be a “political football” that does not have consensus among commissioners as to its value and or benefit now. No doubt had this project been vetted by the proper committees it would have been either killed “in committee” or completed by now. The current proposed amendment of $204,000 alone reflects approximately a 40% increase in the cost for this project.
Project cost always increase year over year. Based on 4% inflation, the Jail and Justice Center is automatically going to cost approximately $4.7 million more dollars simply because it was not built 4 years earlier. This estimate does not factor in change orders, cost overruns, or “unknowns” which plague every project.
Cascade High School is automatically going to cost approximately $3.2 million more dollars simply because it was not built 4 years earlier.
These three examples represent approximately $8.1 million dollars in taxpayer money that could have been used to get our children out of portable classrooms.
We must have a new vision for our future… Together we can make a Better Bedford for all of us!
While I’m glad to hear you understand that waisted time is waisted money. I hope you also listen to your community as well as do not try to hide projects or locations of major project that will affect people who live in the areas that the said projects will be executed. The current government has been very sneaky about the jail location and have had hidden agendas. The new jail location was not approved by its neighbors, not to mention has some major development issues. Business owners and homeowners were left in the dark until it was to late. Please keep the community informed on future projects. Lastly I know that if the new over priced jail found a new home everyone would be great full.