Chad Graham
May 4, 2022
Bedford County Mayor

Shelbyville, TN Two-term Bedford County Mayor, Chad Graham, wishes to thank all of those that voted for his re-election as well as those that volunteered and donated to his campaign. Chad is also very grateful for his children, Daryl and Nikita, his parents, and all of his friends and family that rallied behind him after his wife Denise passed away earlier this year. Graham won re-election with nearly 3000 of the votes cast in early voting and on election day.

Chad said, “Losing Denise was the most difficult thing I’ve ever experienced. She loved this county as much or more than me. Her dedication to the people of Bedford inspired me every day to be the best Mayor I could be. She is missed, but also a great part of our motivation to accomplish great things for Bedford County.”

When Chad Graham decided to run for re-election, he focused on the same three issues that framed and guided his “Better Bedford” campaign in 2018—Better Education, Better Public Safety and Better Infrastructure. He believes the people of Bedford spoke loud and clear that they have seen substantial progress and believe in his vision for his home county.

“One of the things I am most proud of from my first four years as Bedford County Mayor is the way I was able to reach across the aisle and work with folks from different political perspectives. I will continue to do that and look forward to working with my opponent, Brent Smith and all of those that voted for Brent. I want them to know that we can all make Bedford Better together”, stated Bedford County Mayor, Chad Graham.

This final vote tally was 2899 votes for Chad Graham and 1819 votes for Brent Smith.

“I would be remiss if I didn’t also thank all of those that made this election successful—from the poll workers to the election commission and law enforcement, our county and city elected officials and all first responders. Thank you!”, Mayor Chad Graham.

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